The Divided States of America

  His skin is only a couple of shades lighter than burnt sienna as he takes the stage. I always notice his hair, it looks like dried up yellow cotton candy. His wife follows a few feet behind, pretty but unsure of herself, how disrespectful it seems that he never waits for her. She is […]

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On Letting Go…

As I’ve been recently preparing, both physically and mentally, for a life-changing move in a few months, I have been doing a lot of reflecting, so forgive me if I wax a little nostalgic in this post or become a bit too preachy.  You know how it gets when you start looking back, thinking that […]

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Bang Bang

Does anyone remember when the whole country would stop after a mass shooting?  Like, everyone paid attention.  Everyone knew the details and cared about it. Not that we don’t care now, but it seems like we’ve become so desensitized to shootings these days, because they happen so often.  Now we just mention it, almost in […]

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